The Group Finder is a great feature that will allow your members to find groups in their area, according to their interests. You can also configure it so that individuals can add themselves to groups, or ask to be added to the group. Here's how you can embed this great feature onto your Sharefaith website.

Embedding Process

There are two steps:

  1. Get the HTML code to embed your Group Finder (instructions below).
  2. Paste this code into your Sharefaith website. If you are using one of our Sidekick templates, please follow this guide here, How to Add an Embed Code but if you are using an Elementor template please follow this guide, Elementor HTML Widget.

How to get the HTML embed code

  1. Select General Settings  → Groups.
  2. Click on the Group Finder link.
  3. Copy the "Website Embed Code" from the bottom of the page, and paste it into your website.

website embed code